Tuesday, March 8, 2011

25 Months

(February 21)
This age is definitely an adventure! It's been SO much fun having a TWO year old...but also has new challenges.
Palo is now talking all the time. Some of the things she comes up with are pretty entertaining. 
She still loves Barney and knows all the songs.
She will sing the 'I Love You Song' and likes me to hold her hand and sway while she sings it. 
She know's her ABC's, colors, and can count to 20 only needing help pronouncing numbers at the end. 
She is still obsessed with her uncles. She cries whenever we leaves them.
Still eats all the time. Her favorite foods right now vary-but she loves cereal and fruit.
The other day she was playing with her doll and stroller, the doll fell out and she immediately said..."Oh, gosh. Dang." 
She is a total social bug and LOVES kids. Whenever she see's kids she always tells me she wants to go play. She doesn't seem to have a hard time making friends.
She loves to color and is learning to write the letter P.
Loves to go the the gym and always wants to play ball.
She knows the entire Justin Bieber song 'Baby-O' 
Is every independent and wants to try everything on her own. She will say 'I help you' whenever she wants to do something on her own.
Loves to dance to Just Dance on the Wii and is pretty good and keeping up with the actions.
She has good manners-will say excuse me, please and thank you when needed.
She loves going to the park and swinging...we obviously have a hard time leaving now.
Palo is a little fireball, she knows how to get her way! But she is very kind and loving too, which we love.
Palo never fails to amaze us. It's so much fun to listen and to communicate with her. We are in LOVE with the way she talks and interacts.

(March 5)
We've been blessed with some warm weather, and this weekend we were outside most of the day! Here's Palo taking her babies out for a walk too.
Here she is being silly.

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